Amanda and Her Teeth

I just wanted to update you on Amanda and her situation. Thank you to all who have prayed. The boys and I are surviving well! Thanks to Julie Kokenzie, we had some good soup!
Now, for what really matters. Amanda is doing well. She was able to get all of the necessary work done in one setting. That was a big answer to prayer. She is in some pain and discomfort, but is doing ok. I am not sure about the medications, but enough ice cream should do the trick.
We are going to delay a trip we had planned this weekend so she will have a bit more time to recuperate. Please continue to pray that she gets well soon. There is much work to be done in the next few weeks as we prepare for furlough.
The dental surgeon was very good and did the work quickly (another answer to prayer). Not only that, but taking her wisdom teeth out here in Brazil was much cheaper than doing it in the US. Though I do not know the exact cost in the US, from rough calculations, we assume it would have been around ten times more costly to have the same work done in the US. This is a great blessing especially at this particular time.