Tag Archives: Itapuã

Friends in Itapuã

There are many blessings to being a missionary, but there are also some negatives. We are very blessed to have friends not only in most of the 50 states of America and in many of the 26 states in Brazil, but we also have friends in many countries around the world. The bad part about it all is that many times we must say goodbye to our friends. There have been countless numbers of times when we have had to say goodbye to people we love.Most recently, we have had to say goodbye to the people of Itapuã do Oeste in the state of Rondônia in Brazil. Fellow missionary Tom Brewer and his wife Cindy were a special blessing to us during the four months we spent with them. Their church, Igreja Batista Bíblica do Vale, became very special to us. The people took us in and befriended us and encouraged us. We are very thankful for the time spent there.

Here are a few more pictures of our friends in Itapuã. The entire album can be seen HERE.

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012