Tag Archives: Brasiléia

Haitian Outreach by Brazilians on Bolivian Border

It is amazing what we see when we just stop and think about what God is doing! God works in ways we cannot possibly comprehend. Not only is He working in the lives of each person alive in this world, but He also orchestrates political events, national tragedies, economic situations, natural disasters, spread of disease, and every other aspect of this world in which we live. In all of this, He never loses focus of one individual.

What amazes me the most is when I realize that God orchestrates thousands of events over many years, then uses those events to bring one specific individual to faith in Jesus Christ. The immediate events surrounding this individual’s salvation may be a “coincidence” to us. We may think it happened by chance, but God is never surprised, awed, or amazed. He knows all things and is working to make sure they happen.

Last year 2 Haitians entered into a small Baptist church in a city of about 7,000 people. They had traveled well over 4,000 miles from their home to get to that point. It was at this same time that the Lord placed us in this church. We were in the church for about four months. An acquaintance was made, then a few days later, they came looking for help. Little did they know that their greatest need would be met that evening. Both men trusted Christ as their Savior!!!

Pictures around Brasiléia

The Lord used that event to help us open our eyes to a great opportunity here in Brazil. On our most recent trip to Brasiléia on the Bolivian border, we surveyed the possibility of reaching these Haitians with the Gospel. Here is what we found.

  • About 50 Haitians cross the border from Bolivia into Brasiléia every day.
  • They stay in Brasiléia until they get permission to be in the country and permission to work.
  • The average stay is from 2-4 weeks.
  • The Brazilian government provides the Haitians with food and a place to stay. This “place to stay” is nothing more than a covered over area or large tents where there is no sanitation, no privacy, and no comfort.
  • The Haitians must come up with about $3.00 for documents and money for the bus fare to where they are going. Some even struggle to come up with the $3.00.
  • For the most part, they are not well educated. More than 50% of them only speak Haitian Creole. French is also spoken by those who are educated.
  • They are all looking for new hope in this world. Many come with nothing  but the clothes on their backs and are looking for a job where they can make money and send it back to their relatives. Some are looking to get away from their past and wish to move on to a new life.
  • Though there are some women, most Haitians coming across the border are men. Even a few children have been seen from time to time.

AC Notícias.com

Pictures around Brasiléia

Can we offer them hope? YES! There is hope in Jesus Christ and we want to get them the Gospel as they pass through the “doorstep” of the church in Brasiléia.

Will you pray for this outreach? Will you pray for Haiti? Will you pray for the church in Brasiléia that has an opportunity to reach out to these Haitians?


Pictures around Brasiléia

Friends in Brasiléia

For a long time I have wanted to visit Brasiléia. It is a city on the border of Brazil and Bolivia. A pastor who had quite a bit of influence on me in my teenage years has been pastoring a church up there for years. The trip was an eye opener for me. The need for laborers and reapers in the harvest overwhelmed me during my stay.

Here is an overview of the region with Bolivia in the far background.

I spent five days in the city. What a blessing it was to encourage the pastor and his family, meet the people in the church, and have fellowship with several young couples in their homes. I had the opportunity to preach on Sunday morning and evening. The children were very precious.
While in Brasiléia, I was taken across the border into Bolivia. For the most part we were just looking around, but the spiritual need there was great. A church has been established in Cobija, Bolivia which is right across the river from Brasiléia. A missionary from Peru is now pastoring the church. Oh, how wonderful it would be to send out many Brazilians like this into the foreign countries around us where access is very easy.

Between Brasiléia and Rio Branco, the capital of Acre, there are hundreds of farms. By farms, I mean everything from small homes out in the middle of nowhere to cattle ranches with thousands of heads of cattle. There is little to no Gospel representation in any of these areas. Some of these people are 50 to 100 kilometers from the nearest little town and much further from a Gospel preaching church.

Pray for Pr. William and his family as they work to reach people in this area for Christ. He has an excellent ministry with children in the city. He and his wife both teach Bible in the public schools around the city. He also has a radio broadcast and is sending us the recordings for the broadcasts to be posted on our website.

All in all, the Lord was very good to me on this trip. The people were such a blessing and the fellowship with the pastor and his family was a great encouragement and help to me. Below are some pictures from the trip


Brasiléia - AC 2010

A bridge crossed by church members who live in the colonies around the city. Almost impossible to cross if rain has been falling.


Brasiléia - AC 2010

A small home about ten foot by fourteen foot.


Brasiléia - AC 2010

The river that runs through Brasiléia separating it from Bolivia.




Brasiléia - AC 2010

The church in Brasiléia


Brasiléia - AC 2010

Our trip to Bolivia


Brasiléia - AC 2010

The bridge to Bolivia

Brasiléia - AC 2010

Crowded shops of Bolivia

Brasiléia - AC 2010

Teaching Sunday School


Brasiléia - AC 2010

Enjoying time with the children

Brasiléia - AC 2010

Maria Luiza a precious little girl whose parents are getting more and more involved in the church


Brasiléia - AC 2010

One of the couples that invited me to their home for dinner


Brasiléia - AC 2010

Pastor William, his wife Silvia and his two daughters Anne and Elle


Brasiléia - AC 2010

Preaching in the Sunday evening service