Category Archives: Ministry

A New Meeting Location

We are looking forward to meeting in the new building we have just rented for the church. We will begin our services on the 19th of October. We are pushing for a big day and have much to take care of before then.

The Lord has given us a building for less than $300 a month that will fit around 30 people without much trouble at all. This will get us started though and hopefully help us build the core group.

Here is a look at the building the way it looks right now…


Church Location


We are getting a sign printed, invitations printed, and trying to furnish the building with all the necessary items we need for the church services such as a pulpit, table for literature and things like that. There is quite a bit of running around to do in the next few weeks. We hope to install some fans and fix a few little issues with the building. Over the next few months, we will be working to slowly provide what is missing when we start. For now, we will rent chairs. Not knowing how many we will need and how things will progress, we have decided to wait just a bit to purchase the chairs.Here is a look at what we hope the sign looks like. Lord willing, it will be put up in about a week.


Church Location


Please pray as we press forward to reach more people here in Rondônia. The people we are working with are excited about this step. They are looking forward to participating a bit more. We felt acquiring more permanent location was a necessary step forward to be able to reach people in our city.The Kokenzies will be returning in January. We hope to have things in order when they get here so the work can move forward. Once they return we will be preparing for furlough.  We need your prayers! Please remember to pray for us on the 19th of October when we hold our first evangelistic service. Pray for souls to be saved and believers to be edified.

Interesting People

Recently I have spent quite a bit of time visiting with those who attend our church. It is hard to make a visit like this and not spend hours at someone’s house.

While visiting with Claudino, he began to expound upon a hobby he has. He showed me a few of the products he had made on a lathe. He personally built the lathe with a motor from a washing machine. Most of the rest is just a few little pieces he had picked up here and there.

Though a little rough looking, his work is absolutely beautiful. When I say this, it really means a lot more than what it sounds like. Maybe if I explain just a bit about Claudino, you can imagine what I am saying.

Claudino is a man who has been around for a good amount of time. He was a logger many years ago when our state of Rondônia was being cut out of the jungle. He would cut acres of forest in just a few days. He also cut wood for houses. The house he lives in was cut from some of these tress. Every piece of wood was cut with a chainsaw. It is pretty impressive when you think about it and see the house.

About seventeen years ago, his second wife  (if I have that correct) poisoned a piece of cake she baked for him. Without knowing what had happened, but feeling sick, he took himself to the hospital. The doctor laughed and said, “You are crazy! You drink poison to kill yourself, then come to hospital for help.” The result was heart surgery, and many health complications since then. His wife left that day, but when he returned home, his son showed him the rat poison that she had placed in his cake.

We met Claudino several years ago while on door-to-door visitation and he has attended services since that time, though not regularly. He is well up in years, and just recently got married again. He decided if he married this lady, she would not commit suicide. It is humorous how some people think. She also has some very complicated health issues and he has been a big help to her though all of this.

Back to one of my recent visits…

We were discussing his work and he asked me if I would like a garlic crusher. I said sure, so he insisted that I stay and watch him make it. About twenty minutes later, he had cut out a garlic crusher from a piece of a log. Just about every one of his tools were home made. His health keeps him from working much, but each one of these garlic crushers is worth about $25-$50. He also makes flower pots and a few other things. Below are some pictures of his work and a video of him making the piece used to crush the garlic.

— Jeremy



His chainsaw and work area. The chainsaw he has had for 40 years.


The workshop


Cutting out the inside


Handmade cutting tools and the lathe


The one on the left is mine and the other is a finished sample



Two finished products


An Unfinished flower pot

Church Database

We have been working on building a database of churches here in Brazil. Over the past year or more, we have been contacted dozens of times with questions about good churches around the country. Due to limited databases and inaccurate lists of churches, we decided to begin building our own database to help connect good churches all over the country. We estimate there to be about 600 churches or more around the country that we could add. About two months ago, we started a website specifically for this purpose.With Amanda’s help, our database is slowly growing. Word is spreading and churches are beginning to add their information. It has not yet reached its full functionality for the churches. We plan to work on this website as time allows increasing its useability for churches and especially missionaries.

We already have over 70 churches represented and are adding more weekly. I work on the nuts and bolts while she double checks the information sent in by churches and authorizes the churches to display on the website.

Though not the best representation of the website, I have inserted a picture below. If you would rather view the a nicer looking fully functional version, just CLICK HERE ( I started working on this idea about five years ago. It began with the desire to help churches have an online presence. We tried to help several churches build websites, but decided it would take too much time because of the lack of skilled labor. The idea matured and we are developing the website to allow churches to have a detailed profile. They will eventually have their own page and be able to update their basic information as well as add pictures, documents, and a few other things.
After getting several quotes, I was told this website would cost around $5,000.00 just to build. So I took the project on myself and hopefully when I am done, I can pay myself $5,000.00 plus all the hosting fees! That would be nice! I guess I should start saving up. Right now this website is costing me $10 a year. So, in a way, I guess I am saving up!
— Jeremy
Church Database

Boys’ Bible Club

On Saturday afternoon, we had our first “Boys’ Bible Club” here at our house.  In our neighborhood, there are several groups of boys, roughly 8-14 years old, who hang around together riding bikes, flying kites, playing ball, and whatever else they might decide to do. This is such a crucial age in their lives, and we have a burden to help them however we can. Having three boys who fall (almost) into this age bracket, we decided to start a club once a month to get to know some of these boys, spend some time with him, and hopefully encourage them to live for the Lord.

Bible Club for Boys
Bible Club for Boys

We invited several boys, and we had eleven come for this first meeting, including our three. Four of these were boys we had just met, so we were especially excited to see them come. Jeremy gave a short lesson from the Bible, and did an object lesson, then they played games for a while in the back yard. We gave them some juice and cookies, and they were on their way.

We were pleased with how things went for this first time, and it seemed that those who came really enjoyed it. We are hoping that they will come back and bring others with them next month.

Bible Club for Boys
Bible Club for Boys
Please help us pray for this outreach, that we might be a light in our neighborhood and that these boys would grasp the truth of God’s Word!


Fun Cultural Experiences!

Many times we wonder what things were like hundreds of years ago. Being out in the jungle sometimes can give us a real sense of what things were like.

On my most recent trip into the jungle, I had the opportunity to eat two kinds of meat that are not readily available in other parts of the country. The first was deer meat that we ate. The dear was killed by an anaconda! The neighbors were chasing the dear but before they could get to it, an anaconda got a hold on it. They killed the anaconda to get the dear.

The second kind of meat was tapir. It is similar to a large pig, but the meat is much stronger. The particular meat we ate came from some neighbors, but we did catch a good look of a tapir being butchered, quickly dunked in the river (so the fish would not get it), washed off, and then carried off to be stored.

Here is a picture and a video of what took place.


Other Events


Tapir from Jeremy Tyler on Vimeo.

A Mission Trip to the Rio Purus

I just arrived back from a trip into the jungle. It is always an adventure, but at the same time there is much to learn and to glean from on a trip like this. I have been praying about taking a trip to this region since 2010, so it was exciting to finally be able to take the trip.

Though much could be said, I will keep this entry simple and to the point. I learned much that would be impossible to share in a blog. The Lord is teaching and I am doing my best to learn. The pictures tell more of the story, so to get a more detailed glimpse at the area and the trip, please look at the pictures for MAY 2014 on our PICTURES PAGE.

Boat Ride


– I headed out from my house just before midnight on Sunday night. John Kokenzie gave me a ride to the bus stop where my trip began. I traveled all night arriving in Porto Velho at 5am.
– From the bus station in Porto Velho I took a taxi to the airport where I would catch my plane around noon to Rio Branco in a neighboring state.
– I arrived in Rio Branco about an hour later where Bro. Stephen Doolittle picked me up and took me to his house. Once there, we ate lunch, freshened up and got in the car for another 135 miles or so. When we reached our destination, Pr. André was there waiting for us. It was already dark. We went to get a quick bite to eat, then hit the hay.
– By 5am we were all up and gathering our belongings to take to the boat. By 7:00 we were in the boat and heading up the river. Unfortunately one member of our crew received a phone call and had to return because his father suffered a heart attack. He was able to get back just a few hours before his father passed away.
– Our boat ride lasted for about 9 hours and took us around 120 miles up river where we arrived at Pr. André and Marlete’s house.


– Pr. André is the Brazilian missionary we visited. He has been working in this region for nearly four years now. He has given up many conveniences of modern day life to build a house out in the jungle in order to reach the local Indian tribe.
– Marlete is Pr. André’s wife and was awaiting us at their home up the river. She cooked and washed clothes for us.
– Ester is their daughter and a very talkative girl. She is seven years old and enjoys when someone from the city comes to visit. We had a good time playing a few games and putting together a puzzle with her.
– João is a layman who had some vacation time saved up for this trip. Unfortunately he was not able to make the trip after receiving the call about his father.
– Bro. Stephen Doolittle had already been up to visit Pr. André once before, but wanted to help on a few projects, so he had decided to go back.
– Several other men had planned to go on the trip but due to court hearings, finances, or other issues, they were not able to go.


  1. Learn more about working with the Indians – We spent more than a week with Pr. André and his family! What a blessing to get to know this precious family and glean from their experience in working with the Indians. They have been ministering to this ethnic group for about four years. They have a few other missionaries helping them.

    Though they have not established a church in the tribe yet, they are building friendships with the Indians, learning the language and culture, and praying that the Lord would help them witness and win this tribe.

  2. Help Pr. André build a house in the Indian village – In three days we were able to help Pr. André put up the main structure for his house in the Indian village. The house is roughly 18 feet x 18 feet. It was hard work and very tiring, but praise the Lord, we were able to accomplish the task even though we had a much smaller crew than anticipated.

Thank you again for your prayers!

— Jeremy

Emails This Week!

Email is such a useful tool. Many times I write dozens of emails a day. It takes seconds to respond to someone and let them know you are praying for them, or just send a note of encouragement.

Most days I am tempted to get in a routine of answering emails and sending off messages to people that I don’t think of the effect they could have. Recently the Lord has made me more aware of the impact that an email can have. Let me share with you a few instances of emails that I have received in the last week.

1. Just a few days ago I received an email that basically said, “Please pray for me, I am not saved, but I need to be saved so that I can have eternal life.” Though the email said more than this, this was the most important part of it.

2. I also received an email this past week that said, “I really like the content on your website. Do you have any correspondence courses that I could take to study the Bible? I want to learn more about the Bible.”

3. Another man asked for prayer. He lost everything including his family and compared his life to Job. He confessed he was a sinner and wanted to know how to have peace again in his life.

It is not always easy knowing what to write and how to write it, but I thank God for the opportunities to give out the Gospel message. Email can be much like a tract. What difference could we make if we included more of the Gospel in our email messages? Maybe you could include a link to a Gospel tract at the bottom of you eamils. God has given us tools in our hands to be used for Him. What are you doing with the tools you have been given?

Please continue to pray as we reach out to people all over the world through the internet.


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