Category Archives: Ministry

Men’s Retreat in Porto Velho

The past week was an interesting week. I left last Saturday for a trip to Porto Velho, the capital of our state of Rondônia. It is quite a drive from our house considering the road conditions. The trip was about 450 miles one way. It took me around 10 hours to drive it.

On the way up, I stopped in Ouro Preto do Oeste the town in which we were previously working. It was about half way up and I was able to stay for the Sunday morning service and preach to the church people. Not only did Julie Kokenzie provide some great meals while I was there, but John also let me preach on Sunday morning. It was a huge blessing to see the church growing and to see the faithfulness of the people. We still have many friends there and enjoy every chance we get to see them.


Preaching in Ouro Preto
Church in Ouro Preto

Bro. Brian Lawson met me in Ouro Preto and kept me company for the remainder of my trip. We had a good time of fellowship riding together, and he had a chance to visit a few churches and meet many people.

Shortly after lunch on Sunday Bro. Brian and I headed out to Porto Velho. We arrived in time to freshen up before the service. Pastor Adonias invited me to preach on Sunday evening in church and also at the retreat they were having on Monday. We had about 50 men at the camp retreat. The morning service was great, but it was worth the drive just to sit and talk to some of the men from the church for a good part of the day. There were different activities during the day including a soccer tournament. By the end of the day we were very tired, yet refreshed by the fellowship.

By late in the afternoon, most of the men were heading home. One particular man, who is in politics, drove us around the neighborhood of the camp and told us the story of how God supplied the money for the church to have the camp. He was able to help make the access to the camp a bit easier and also helped get electricity out to the camp. This has raised the value of the property. Some neighbors who were selling their property for 20,000-30,000 are now trying to sell for 250,000. Though it might not quite be worth all of that, the church has a great camp and the property is worth much more than when they bought it less than two years ago.

We stayed out at the camp until Tuesday morning, then made our trip back home. I dropped Bro. Brian off in Ji-Paraná and arrived at home at nearly 9pm. It was a tiresome trip, but worth every bit of it to spend time with God’s people around the state. God is doing a great work here in the state of Rondônia. There is much going on for His glory. Please pray that more laborers would join the work force and more churches would be started throughout the state.

An Outdated Prayer Letter

Many times in writing a prayer letter, by the time it is ready, I am forced to rewrite the letter because the information is outdated or irrelevant. Our last prayer letter for October 2015 was outdated when it went out. I decided to go ahead and send it out even though it was lacking more information. So, let me try to get you updated on the outdated.

Update #1

The last paragraph of the prayer letter held the most information about the ministry. In it, I mentioned a couple that was forced to leave due to a medical issue that needed to be solved.

They were gone for one Sunday. Upon their return, they told us the story. She no longer has any problem whatsoever. After looking at her exams, the doctor asked who did the exams. He questioned about the lab and the doctors, then said he did not understand. The exams were hers, but he could not find any sign of a problem. He looked at the chart again and again and told her that she did not have what the exams said she had.

Just to make sure this was true, he sent her down the street for more exams. The new exams confirmed that she did not have any issues whatsoever. The doctors at the lab compared and verified the information from the past exams, but said she no longer had any issues.

Wow! Considering the fact that she had a large tumor and other easily noticeable issues, this is amazing. Upon their return, they expressed to us that, though they did not understand it, God had healed her. She will need to go back in a few months and have more exams, but as it stands right now, she is doing very well.

For us this was a great blessing because now we can continue to work with them. Their financial situation is not good, but their spiritual situation is what bothers us most of all. They have been faithful in coming to church on Sunday evening, and even on some Thursdays. Please pray for their salvation. Their names are Ivan and Sandra.


Update #2

The last paragraph of the prayer letter also included a quick note about a young lady who had publicly announced that she had trusted Christ as her Savior. This has not changed at all. She is very faithful to the services, is eager to learn, and is being discipled by one of the missionary wives. Amen! Please continue to pray for her. Her name is Daniela.

That same paragraph said that others were forced to consider salvation for themselves. Before I could send out the letter, we had already heard of two more who have said they have trusted Christ as Savior. Both a husband (Marcio) and wife (Fabiana) separately have told us that while alone at home they asked the Lord to forgive their sins and save them! They have expressed changes in their lives that they believe the Lord would have them make. We still have much ground to cover and much to help them understand, but there is no doubt that God is working in their lives.

One of the couples that have been attending has a background in the Seventh Day Adventists. Without knowing that, we have taught over and over again that the law cannot save you. It only shows you that you make mistakes (Romans 7:7). They agree with what is being taught. Though there is opposition from their families, they now say they are part of our church. Our main concern is their salvation! We want them to learn the truth from the Bible, but not stop at that. They need to take action in their own hearts and believe! Please pray for them. Their names are Adinaldo and Jéssica.

Prayer Letter September-October 2015

Prayer Letter – September/October 2015

E-mail sent with Prayer Letter

New Pictures

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Tyler Family Prayer Letter July-August 2015

Prayer Letter – July/August 2015

E-mail sent with Prayer Letter

New Pictures

Here are four ways to keep up with the Tylers…

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Traveling the US

We have now been in the US for eight weeks and have traveled well over 8,000 miles. Time is flying by and we are trying to take advantage of our time here. With exception of a little hiccup in the AC on the van, things have gone very well. This week we spent time in Tennessee at our home church and also with family.

Shortly after arriving in the US we headed out west and had meetings in Idaho, Washington, California, Arizona, Texas, and Alabama. We have been in over 15 different churches and have about 20 more scheduled.

Next week we will be in Illinois with Amanda”s family. The boys and I have not seen some of the family for over seven years. We hope to take advantage of the time we are there during the week.

Though we have been enjoying time with friends and family, work continues! We have been in touch with online casino many people in Brazil as well as working on different projects. An opportunity came up to help a friend in Nepal with some work. Progress has also been made on a new website housing a Spanish Bible. In all of this we still continue to fulfill our regular duties sending out the monthly publication, updating websites, and corresponding with many people.

Thank you so much for praying for us while we are traveling. Please continue! Soon we hit the east side from New Hampshire to Florida. Pray for safety in travel and a vehicle that continues running well.

Tyler Family Prayer Letter – April 2015

Prayer Letter – April 2015

E-mail sent with Prayer Letter

New Pictures

Here are four ways to keep up with the Tylers…

1. Read this blog and leave a comment – You may also sign up for the RSS feed

2. Facebook – Add me as a friend HERE

3. Prayer Letters – Sign up to receive our prayer letter on the column to the right.

4. E-mail – Write to us HERE

Heading Home


Very quickly I would like to catch you up to date on what is going on with us over the next few days so that you all can continue to pray for us. I have not sent out a prayer letter this month. Things have been busy, so I decided just to post on the blog which would simplify things for this month. Everything has worked out very well so far.

– Our belongings have been split up. We allowed some friends to use some of our furniture over the next few months while we are in the US. The remainder of our belongings have been stored in a safe location.

– We have turned in the keys to the house, cared for the final repairs to be made, and are working on shutting off the internet, water and electric.

– Tomorrow we begin our journey! We catch a bus and begin about a 52 hour trip. We will be with Amanda’s parents by Thursday evening if all works out as planned. Please pray things go smoothly. Our last attempt at international travel from this area was not great, so we are praying things go smoothly this time.



In my last post I asked you to pray for two specific things. First, a friend who was to testify about the work in the Indian tribes. Thank you for praying. Those who had accused him went in and removed their accusations. The case has now been filed and set to rest. Praise the Lord!

The second prayer request was for our trip to an Indian tribe a few weeks ago. The Lord closed the doors for us and we were not able to go into the tribe. Please pray that these doors will be opened for us in the near future. Several missionaries have recently left the area. We are not sure what all is going on, but we believe the Lord has directed us to this region. Please keep praying!

Standing Before Magistrates


Would it be possible for you to take a minute and pray for our work here in Brazil? We have many open doors here in our state to reach the unreached with the Gospel. There is a serious meeting coming up on the 20th of this month.

A friend of mine will be standing before a branch of the state government this week to testify to state prosecuters about the work being done in the Indian tribes here in our state. This is a matter of great conscern to us. Though it does not directly involve us, it very well could in the near future. This meeting could help open doors or shut doors for the Gospel to the unreached here in our state.

Luke 12:11-12 “And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say: For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.”

Acts 16:20-22 “And brought them to the magistrates, saying, These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city, And teach customs, which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans. And the multitude rose up together against them: and the magistrates rent off their clothes, and commanded to beat them.”

Just changing a few people groups in these verses and reading the rest of the story, we can see what we are dealing with. Though we do not expect this to be quite as serious, your intercession is needed.

We are constantly getting more involved in this work and the Lord has already opened many doors for us. This Saturday, we plan to visit another tribe which we have never been to before. Pray for God to open doors for a long relationship with these people!

God is at work! Please continue to pray for laborers and for open doors!

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