Category Archives: Family

Heading Home


Very quickly I would like to catch you up to date on what is going on with us over the next few days so that you all can continue to pray for us. I have not sent out a prayer letter this month. Things have been busy, so I decided just to post on the blog which would simplify things for this month. Everything has worked out very well so far.

– Our belongings have been split up. We allowed some friends to use some of our furniture over the next few months while we are in the US. The remainder of our belongings have been stored in a safe location.

– We have turned in the keys to the house, cared for the final repairs to be made, and are working on shutting off the internet, water and electric.

– Tomorrow we begin our journey! We catch a bus and begin about a 52 hour trip. We will be with Amanda’s parents by Thursday evening if all works out as planned. Please pray things go smoothly. Our last attempt at international travel from this area was not great, so we are praying things go smoothly this time.



In my last post I asked you to pray for two specific things. First, a friend who was to testify about the work in the Indian tribes. Thank you for praying. Those who had accused him went in and removed their accusations. The case has now been filed and set to rest. Praise the Lord!

The second prayer request was for our trip to an Indian tribe a few weeks ago. The Lord closed the doors for us and we were not able to go into the tribe. Please pray that these doors will be opened for us in the near future. Several missionaries have recently left the area. We are not sure what all is going on, but we believe the Lord has directed us to this region. Please keep praying!

Amanda and Her Teeth

X-Ray of teeth

I just wanted to update you on Amanda and her situation. Thank you to all who have prayed. The boys and I are surviving well! Thanks to Julie Kokenzie, we had some good soup!

Now, for what really matters. Amanda is doing well. She was able to get all of the necessary work done in one setting. That was a big answer to prayer. She is in some pain and discomfort, but is doing ok. I am not sure about the medications, but enough ice cream should do the trick.

We are going to delay a trip we had planned this weekend so she will have a bit more time to recuperate. Please continue to pray that she gets well soon. There is much work to be done in the next few weeks as we prepare for furlough.

The dental surgeon was very good and did the work quickly (another answer to prayer). Not only that, but taking her wisdom teeth out here in Brazil was much cheaper than doing it in the US. Though I do not know the exact cost in the US, from rough calculations, we assume it would have been around ten times more costly to have the same work done in the US. This is a great blessing especially at this particular time.


Tyler Family Prayer Letter – February 2015

Prayer Letter – February 2015

E-mail sent with Prayer Letter

New Pictures

Here are four ways to keep up with the Tylers…

1. Read this blog and leave a comment – You may also sign up for the RSS feed

2. Facebook – Add me as a friend HERE

3. Prayer Letters – Sign up to receive our prayer letter on the column to the right.

4. E-mail – Write to us HERE

New Year 2015!

Happy New Year!

We would like to start off this new year introducing you to our new family website ( We wanted to have this website ready before our furlough. It is a simple website with the goal to keep you more up-to-date with our ministry.

Please take a look around and let us know what you think. We will be updating the blog with events and prayer requests as we are able.

We will no longer be using the website Please refer to this website from now on for any updates from our family. You can get updates through RSS feed or keep up with the posts on Facebook.

Every page can be easily accessed through the menu, but here are a few of the new pages you might enjoy…

Pages for each family member

Ministry websites

Information Pages

* Please note that we will be using this domain for our email also. You can use any of our first names to reach us.

Family Picture

It is never an easy task to get a nice family picture, especially when you are your own photographer. It has been a while since we took a good family picture, so we decided to get it done. With plans to return to the US next year, we will probably put out a new prayer card then. Here is the latest picture!

Tyler Family 2014


A Wonderful Day!

Brazil 2014

Today is a good day all over Brazil! It is the first day of the World Cup! We are having riots and protests, yet at the same time, it is one of the few days that many Brazilians show their patriotic colors!

What does this mean to me as a Brazilian?

  1. It means I need to show my patriotism!
  2. It means party time!
  3. It means this afternoon is a holiday!
  4. It means you are going to sit on the edge of your seat waiting for a goal!
  5. It means frustration when the ball does not go in the goal!
  6. It means I am a part of the only country to win at least 5 World Cups!
  7. It means I am cheering for a 6th World Cup!
  8. It means food, fun, and fellowship!
  9. It means talking about Brazil’s political, educational, financial, and health care status!
  10. It means fireworks, loud noises, honking, yelling, and just about anything that makes noise!

World Cup 2014

What does it mean to me as a father?

  1. I had to buy all of my boys a Brazil shirt!
  2. Our whole family is cheering for Brazil!
  3. It is a time to make memories for my children!
  4. I must know the answer to questions about who won the last ten World Cups, what teams have a chance to win this year, and is one team better than the other (most of which I do not know how to answer)!
  5. I must talk to my children about the real needs in Brazil!

World Cup 2014

What does this mean to me as a missionary?

  1. Many months have been spent in preparation for the next 30 days!
  2. Hours of praying that God would use the materials and work in the lives of individuals!
  3. I have designed a website specifically for this occassion! (
  4. We have encouraged many people to get involved in reaching the lost and distributing the message of salvation to people from dozens of countries that will be at our doorstep!
  5. Churches have been encouraged to participate!
  6. Millions of Gospel tracts and Bible portions have been prepared for distribution during the next 30 days!
  7. Millions of people in Brazil will receive the Gospel through literature and the internet over the next 30 days!
  8. Some people will find true victory in their lives through Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross!

Please help us pray!!!


Family Trip to Rio Branco

Just a few weeks ago we had an opportunity to travel as a family. It was the longest trip we have ever taken in Brazil. We traveled over 1500 miles round trip. Taking into consideration the road conditions, this was quite a long trip. We found that the worse stretch of road on the whole trip was the first 25 miles from our house.

We have much to praise the Lord for! This trip would have been much more difficult had it not been for our new vehicle. Though we did not need the 4 wheel drive on this trip, we did need the larger tires and higher vehicle. I am not sure our previous car would have made the entire trip without incident, but we must praise the Lord that this one did. The only damage to the car was all the bugs on the front. Some just do not want to come off!

The road conditions to Rio Branco were much better than we expected. Amanda volunteered to drive! Now that is saying something! She hates these roads. We even had to cross the river on a ferry, which was a first for our boys.

Ferry Crossing
Our whole family spent about 31 hours together in the car on this trip. That gave us plenty of time together. This car has a CD player in it! We listened to quite a few Patch the Pirate and Adventures in Odyssey episodes. The boys were looking forward to listening to some new things.

Once we arrived in Rio Branco, we were able to spend a few days with the Doolittles. Our boys enjoyed meeting their two younger boys (Joshua and Benjamin) and the five of them had a great time together. The Doolittles were also a great encouragement to Amanda and me.

Friends - Rio Branco

Friends - Rio Branco

We were able to see the new location they have been meeting in. It is on the edge of town. Though a few people were not all that excited about the change in the beginning, it seems as though things have picked up and people are enjoying it now. The Lord is using the church to reach many people in the area.
Church - Rio Branco
Amanda and I also sat in on one of the Bible Institute classes. They have four students and the courses are all done through videos.

One of the days we were with them, we enjoyed an afternoon playing ball with some of the young people in the church. We also had a good time eating pizza afterwards.

Friends - Rio Branco
It is always refreshing to spend time with other missionaries. There are many things we share in common that other people do not understand. It is also exciting to see how God works in the lives of other missionaries.


Thanksgiving in Brazil

This Thanksgiving was not unlike other Thanksgivings we have had here in Brazil. The Brazilians do not celebrate Thanksgiving, so we usually get together with other missionary families and make a fun day out of it. This Thanksgiving we were able to be with the Brewers, Kokenzies and the Rogers.

Tom and Cindy Brewer opened up their home to all of us. We had 21 people there all together. It was quite an event since we all stayed in the same house. How did we do it? Well, below is a picture of a very Brazilian way of solving the problem. We thought Bro. Brewer might have been a little overzealous in planning all of this, but in the end it worked out quite well (not sure how much sleeping took place though)!


We are very thankful that God has chosen us to be missionaries. Yet, sometimes in the ministry we have to give up a few things. Thanksgiving and Christmas are times when we would like to be with our family. We miss the fun times with family, but try to still make these times special for our own children.

This Thanksgiving was very exciting for our boys. They talked about it and waited anxiously for weeks before hand. Having so many different children around, made things very interesting. It would not be correct to say it all went down without any incidents, but we are still thankful that it all worked out. The boys had a great time. We even played some real baseball in a yard big enough to hit the ball without it going over the wall.


Thoughts About the Rainy Season

Having recently moved to this part of the world, we are yet to get the full effect of the rainy season. When we arrived in Northwest Brazil over six months ago, we were at the end of the rainy season. We experienced the rain every day and the mud that was caused by it. We lived on a dirt road with a dirt yard and had mud on our feet almost every time we entered the house.

Within a few months, the dry season came and we started fighting the dust. You can clean, wash, wipe, rinse, dust, or mop, but when all is said and done there will be a red layer on everything you have just finished cleaning within a couple of hours.

Slowly, things begin to change. Our grass was all brown from no rain. I had not cut the grass in two months. Then just about two weeks ago we started getting rain. Several places around us had received some rain, so we knew it was on the way.

It has rained about three or four times in the last two weeks. The grass is all green, the weeds are high, the mud is back, but there were a few things we did not expect. These things come by surprise because of being in a different house.


The Storm

When the first storm hit, it hit between 3-4 in the morning. We were sleeping quite well until the wind woke us up. Then all of a sudden, we got out of bed to see the rain. I walked into the kitchen and stepped in a puddle of water, as I was trying to get that mopped up, Amanda called from the bedroom and said there was water in there! Wow! Our bedroom became a small swimming pool!

Though it did not rain very long, it took us nearly an hour or an hour and a half to mop up all the rain. We were able to get back to sleep just before needing to wake up and begin our day.

Yesterday, we received another BIG storm. This one we were ready for. We placed rags under all the doors that would let water in. We closed the windows and got out the rags. The wind was once again very strong and blew the rain right against the bedroom window. We were prepared for water to come in, but a little more than expected came in. When we pulled the curtains back, here is what we saw…



So, with a strategically placed thumb we were able to hold back quite a bit of water. It did not keep it from coming into the house, but it did prevent it from shooting out into the middle of the floor.

The good thing about this last storm is that I found where the problem is in order to try and seal it up. When the storm hit in the middle of the night, I was not awake enough to figure out what needed to be fixed.

Spiritually speaking, we are in a dry season here in Brazil. Yes, we get a few drops here and there, but we are looking for the rain. All over Brazil, in the large cities and in the remote scattered places, the story is the same.

It is amazing to me that we live in such a remote place, but at the same time, we have so many modern conveniences. We have indoor plumbing, electricity, high-speed internet, cars, microwaves, online shopping, and much more. Yet, at the same time, within just a few minutes I could take you to places that have absolutely none of these modern conveniences. There are places near here that you could not get to in a car during the rainy season. They have no internet. They still use they use outhouses and may or may not have electricity.
Yet in all of this, God is to be praised! It is by His grace that any of us lives another day. With or without the modern conveniences of the hour, our Lord is the one who holds the world in His hands. We will either see His hand working around us, or we will face this world on our own and get frustrated, confused, and materialistic about it all.

My heart breaks when I stop to ponder the reality of our situation today. In this day and age when we have the most modern conveniences of any period of time in history, there are more people out there who have never heard a clear presentation of the Gospel than ever before.

Truth is, the statistics are even more warped by the fact that religion obscures the Gospel. You can be a part of an evangelical “Christian” church for many many years and never hear the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Many statistics now reflect Brazil as a Christian nation. Just because it is a very religious country, the second largest missionary sending country in the world, most everyone you meet seems calls themselves a “believer”, and a good part of the population holds a copy of God’s Word in their hands, does not mean that they have heard a clear presentation of the Gospel.

“Christianity” and religion have become some of the largest hindrances to the Gospel here in Brazil. In almost every city in Brazil, we are not winning the “heathen” to Christ. We are simply reaching out to nominal Christians who have never been saved. They use the same Bible we do, they use the same language we do, and some even have higher standards of dress than we do. Yet, they do not know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

The good news in all of this is the Gospel!!!! God’s Word is able to divide asunder between soul and spirit. It can also discern the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Bringing this back to the story related above, we are praying for rain!!! I personally am praying for revival in Brazil. It seems as though we are in a dry season where many are discouraged about serving the Lord and few are true disciples of Jesus Christ. Yet, if we are still serving and believing in the God of the Bible, then we have hope that the drought will end and the rainy season is on the way!

Please join us in praying that souls would be saved, that people would be baptized, but don’t stop praying for true disciples of Jesus Christ. Pray for truth to be spread and false religions to be revealed.

Pray for us as we seek to reach people here in this part of Brazil with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

— Jeremy

Friends in Itapuã

There are many blessings to being a missionary, but there are also some negatives. We are very blessed to have friends not only in most of the 50 states of America and in many of the 26 states in Brazil, but we also have friends in many countries around the world. The bad part about it all is that many times we must say goodbye to our friends. There have been countless numbers of times when we have had to say goodbye to people we love.Most recently, we have had to say goodbye to the people of Itapuã do Oeste in the state of Rondônia in Brazil. Fellow missionary Tom Brewer and his wife Cindy were a special blessing to us during the four months we spent with them. Their church, Igreja Batista Bíblica do Vale, became very special to us. The people took us in and befriended us and encouraged us. We are very thankful for the time spent there.

Here are a few more pictures of our friends in Itapuã. The entire album can be seen HERE.

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

Itapuã - March 2012

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